Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What $20 will buy you (or actually me)

I went Yard sale shopping with my mom this past Saturday. I had won $20 at Bingo on Friday night and just like my kids do, I was itching to spend it. So we hit a community wide sale, though I'm sure we missed a few sales in there. :(

I wasn't really looking for anything in particular, but you can tell from my photos what caught my eye-over and over again. Yes, I'm a sucker for baskets. I see them and they call to me. I just can't help myself, they are so pretty and functional too! To be fair, I did leave a few. I only bought the cream of the crop and i had to bring myself to say no to some.

In all, I got 9 baskets-2 of which were cornucopias-one with some dried corn in it (decorative). I also got that really cute multi-colored screen to go in my little girls' room. I got two shirts and a pair of jean shorts for my son, a pink sweater/skirt outfit for my 5 y.o. girl (she'll might get to wear it maybe twice before it's too hot, but it should still fit her in the fall). And I got a cookie jar, a Sting CD for my husband, a wooden towel rack for the bathroom, a Queen size comforter set with shams and bed skirt for my bed,some gardening and parenting books, a dress for me, and a bread maker.

Now to be fair, the bread maker was $20 itself and my mom loaned me the money for that. Everything else was $20 total. I did get the dress for me and one parenting book for free. I must have had my "I'm a nice person" face on because the people at those sales just gave them to me without me even asking. The women at the sale with the dress just pulled it off her rack and asked if I liked it and then gave it to me. The other sale, I was looking at the book and the women said I could have it as it had helped them so much. It was a good day.

Continuing that streak, though I went to a jewelry party for my friend on Saturday night and the woman giving the party gave me a necklace for my DD. I was looking for something to order for my daughter and she just pulled out an expired piece and gave it to me. (These are expensive pieces of jewelry too!) My daughter loved that necklace when I gave it to her. My dad told me I should have hit the bank that day and see what they were giving out. Unfortunately, they were closed by then. ;)

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