Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fresh baked bread

I made a loaf of bread this morning with my new bread maker! OK, to be more accurate, I made a square of bread. I didn't realize it was going to come out square, but still, it's bread and I made it!

So, I'm not exactly a "domestic diva", so this is actually a big deal for me. The only bread I've made in the past from scratch are the no yeast kind like biscuits. (Drop biscuits at that.) It's not that I can't cook or bake, I'd just rather let someone else do it most of the time. And when I do cook, it's usually something with very few steps and can be done quickly and easily. That is why I like mixes, casseroles, soups, and my beloved crockpot. I do not usually have the patience to do much more than throw it together and cook. So, I'll never be a famous chef. LOL

Since making bread by hand has so many extensive steps and you have to keep coming back to it, it's only been something I've dreamed of doing in the past. I got a bunch of yeast free before Christmas and had allusions of me learning to bake bread. I even downloaded some recipes to try. I never used any though.

So, this morning, I went into the kitchen and looked up the recipe for wheat bread in the book that came with the breadmaker and I spent about 5 minutes measuring and putting the ingredients in the maker in the correct order. Yes, it took me that long to measure and drop ingredients into the pan- I wanted to get it just right. Then I closed the lid and pushed a couple of buttons.

Only 3 1/2 hours later, I had bread! That's my kind of baking! Of course, we did go and peek into the little window about every 15 minutes, but I'm sure the novelty will wear off.

I haven't tasted it yet, but it smells so good! My bread, that I made. :)

Update: We ate it and this is the best tasting bread I've had in a long time! I will probably have to make more so my husband can try it when he gets home. (There won't be any left by then!)


American Dreamer said...

Homemade bread always tastes good! You did well gettign such a deal on the breadmaker.

Katmotley said...

Thanks! I'm very happy with this purchase! I forsee lots of homemade bread in my future. LOL

Amiyrah said...

Ooh Boy! You are in for it now! Homemade bread is addictive. I haven't bought bread at the store since I got my bread maker lol.

If you want to make an actual "loaf" just measure the ingredients like you did, but push the dough/pasta button instead. Once the dough is ready, throw it into a greased loaf pan and put in your cold oven. Give it half an hour to an hour and once it "looks" like a loaf of bread, turn on the oven to 350 and let it bake for 30 minutes. You get more "bread" out of the dough this way. The squares are cool, though :o)

Katmotley said...

Thanks for that tip. I'll try that next time. My kids did get a kick out of the square loaf though. This will definitely make store bought bread taste bland. I can almost hear the complaints now when they have to eat "store bread". LOL